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The users of the CNR-IOM domain have an encrypted VPN connection available. With the VPN connection you will be able to connect to the services (also the subscribed magazines) of the CNR-IOM network from home or from the road. Furthermore the VPN will allow you to skip the captive portal authentication of the CNR-IOM wireless network and add a cryptographic layer to you communication improving security.

The users that are interested should request the activation by sending an email to vp...@iom.cnr.it.

A requisite is an account on the iom.cnr.it domain.


1) Download the latest version of the OpenVPN client located at


2) After the installation you copy the attached file.

3) Run the OpenVPN GUI client

4) Importare the configuration file by right clicking on the OpenVPN GUI icon in the lower right corner and select "Import file ..."

5) As Username you have to insert your email address @iom.cnr.it and the email password.


To always see the OpenVPN GUI icon you have to right click on the taskbar and select Taskbar settings. Scroll down to "Notification area" and click on "Select which icons appear on the taskbar" and turn to on the OpenVPN GUI for Windows

Mac OS X

1) Download the "stable" client from: https://tunnelblick.net/downloads.html

2) Install and launch it

3) Select "I have configuration files" and then "OpenVPN Configuration(s)"

4) Click on "Open Private Configurations Folder"

5) Drag the file attached to the activation email in the Finder window

6) Select "Done" and decide if you want the automatic updates of the software

7) Near the clock there should be now a Tunnelblick icon, click it and select "Connect vpn.iom.cnr.it" and insert the local machine administration authentication data

8) As Username you have to insert your email address @iom.cnr.it and the email password.

Linux (Network Manager)

1) copy the file attached to the activation email in ~/OpenVPN/

2) check that OpenVPN for Network Manager (network-manager-openvpn*) is installed

3) right click the NetworkManager icon near the clock and select Edit Connections

4) In VPN click on Import and select the file ~/OpenVPN/vpn.iom.cnr.it.ovpn

5) close the window and left click the NetworkManager icon and select the connection in the VPN submenu

8) As Username you have to insert your email address @iom.cnr.it and the email password.


1) An OpenVPN client is available on Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.openvpn.openvpn


1) An OpenVPN client is available on iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/openvpn-connect/id590379981

Page last modified on 2024-10-14 07:05 UTC
Istituto Officina dei Materiali - CNR P.IVA IT02118311006