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Welcome to the CNR-IOM IT services homepage.

On the left sidebar you can see a selection of topics covering the account request, the computer connection and printer setup.

On the bottom left you can also choose the language in which you want to read the documentation.


Moreno Baricevic +39 040 375 6484
Stefano Bigaran +39 040 375 6424
Matteo Brutti +39 040 375 6460
Vanja Cvelbar +39 040 375 6456
Josè Manganaro +39 010 6598 752 (GE)
Irene Modolo +39 040 375 6487

Last News:

20190118 Due to a transcription error of the expiration date the encryption certificates of the following server have expired:

www.iom.cnr.it webmail.iom.cnr.it webmail.nffa.eu smtp.iom.cnr.it imap.iom.cnr.it smtp.nffa.eu imap.nffa.eu facility.iom.cnr.it ssl.iom.cnr.it

Some services were therefore unavailable for some hours. The services are now available again with a temporary certificate until the permanent certificates are approved.

20180925 From 3:05pm to 4:45pm the mail system was unreachable for the HQ users due to an error in the authentication database. After the recovery of the database from a previous backup things went back to normal. Unfortunately during the outage the recipients were unknown to the system and the senders have received a delivery report about their message not being delivered.

20180528 Due to urgent hardware maintenance on the main firewall of the Basovizza HQ of the Institute today there will be no connection to the Internet between 2pm and 3pm

20180523 Internet connectivity disruptions at the CNR-IOM Basovizza HQ

With the support of GARR, and upon their request, on May 23rd from 10 to 11 am, a new configuration on boundary network devices will be deployed. Possible disruptions to Internet connectivity may happen.

Page last modified on 2024-05-13 09:28 UTC
Istituto Officina dei Materiali - CNR P.IVA IT02118311006